Order Awana Uniforms, Books, Bags

These are tough times. If you are in need of any of the items listed on this page but are unable to afford them, please contact the Director. Financial assistance is available.

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Puggles Uniform T-Shirt

Sizes 2T, 3T, 4T, 5T, 6T

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Cubbies Uniform Vest

It all starts with the vest! As your child progresses through the books and lessons, he or she will earn badges to add to the vest!

Sizes Child small 4, Child Medium 5, Child Large 6, X-Large 8, XX-Large 10

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Cubbies Handbooks

There are two books in the Cubbies series. We will send you whichever book your child is working on for this particular year. If you would like a specific one, please let us know.

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Sparks Uniform Vest

It all starts with the vest! As your child progresses through the books and lessons, he or she will earn awards (wings, jewels, etc.) to add to the vest!

Sizes Child small 6, child medium 8, child large 10, X-large 12, X-large 14, X-large 16

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Sparks Handbooks

There are three books in the Sparks series. We will send you whichever book your child is working on for this particular year. If you would like a specific one, please let us know.

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T&T Uniform T-Shirt

Sizes Youth small 10, youth medium 12, youth large 14, Adult small, adult medium, adult large, adult x-large, adult xx-large, adult xxx-large

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T&T Handbooks

There are three books in the T&T series. We will send you whichever book your child is working on for this particular year. If you would like a specific one, please let us know.